The latest edition of CJC Currents

Issue 15, offering practical insight into issues that our lawyers have been dealing with, including BIMCO’s CII Time Charter Clause, the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, and the consequences for shipping of events in the Red Sea and Ukraine.

The publication also considers and provides the Campbell Johnston Clark (CJC) perspective on recent decisions. These include:

:arrow_right: A dispute over the York Antwerp Rules in the case of Star Antares
:arrow_right: Deliberations in a Singapore case over the definition of a ship
:arrow_right: A High Court decision revisiting error in navigation
:arrow_right: A High Court ruling rejecting an Owner’s injunction for urgent relief
:arrow_right: A London Arbitration pronouncement on the accountability of charterers in port
:arrow_right: An English Court of Appeal ruling with consequences for alternative dispute resolution

With reports also covering entry into force of the new UK Workboat Code, CJC’s role in a major offshore wind transaction involving Cadeler, significant promotions and appointments at the firm, and a busy period for industry presentations and networking events, this is the largest ever issue of CJC Currents.

Read the full issue:  CJC Currents – Winter Issue

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